Whey Silo – 90,000 litre installed
December. Purchase house and land at 482 Hovell St from Stanislaw Jakimionek. House demolished to make way for the new administration Building and electrical sub Station.
January – Purchase house and land at 470 Hovell Street from Alan Hensel. House demolished to make way for loading bay in front of new factory.
50th Anniversary of Haberfields.

Below Founders Anne and Jock with Laurie, Ron and John with some products in old office
Start of a complete rebuild of factory and associated building on original and enlarged site.
March – Rent of storage space from Hume Warehouses Bridge Street.
May – Purchase 389 David St. The back of the block required for new main factory. Resident Joe Elias lived rent free in the house until his death at 99 years old.
9.5% Canberra raw milk Supply contract.
July – Small portion rear 411 David St (Ryans) purchased to open R-O-Way to Hume St.
New Tieman tanker designed for tandem drive prime mover and bogey axle tanker (20250 litre)
New Cheese cool storage building erected west of right -of-way at rear of 403-409 David St. In foreground is the footings for the Engineers workshop and mechanics workshop.
New administration building completed in Hovell St to accommodate Office, Shop, Laboratory and Staff amenities.
July – Transfer to new office block in Hovell Street
October -Haberfields Community fund cheque to Local Olympian.
Nov -.Last packaging and deliveries of 600ml glass bottled milk

Nov. – Dairy Shop opened Kim Waite appointed manager
Finish of rebuilding
Oct. – Frozen Milk to Darwin – Northern Territory Milk Products – John Mare & Stewart
Nov. – Khancoban farmers supply DIA milk for Sydney through Haberfields.
Second milk storage silo with Stainless steel skin – 135,000 litres-.Manufacturer James Fabrications.
10% Canberra raw milk supply contract
May – Fogg Bottle Filler purchased
Sept – 8251 NCR computer purchased for office use. IT professional Jim Furze employed.
Dec – First personal computer for general office use.
Milko Scanner for butterfat testing
Alfa Laval Separator (self cleaning)- 20,000 l/h
August – Purchase of 419 David Street (cnr David & Hume) (Joe Everett)
Sept – Alfa Laval Pasteuriser for market milk 12,000 l/h – old pasteuriser sent to Wodonga factory.
Nov. – 415 David Street Purchased (Evans)
“Shaykes” flavoured milk
June. Verticle Cheese presses installed – PLC controlled
Dec. Leased warehouse in Bridge St. destroyed by fire.
Jan- Purchase of Wodonga Factory site in Turner St. Melrose Industrial Park from the Albury Wodonga development Corporation. Land was previously the site of a dairy farm.

Pad prepared for new factory
March – Refrigerated w/sale truck (Hino) with fibreglass body
May – – Wodonga factory built at Turner Court, Wodonga
Ian Haberfield on cheesemaker exchange at Gstaad cheese factory Switzerland.
Roland Gerber on exchange from Switzerland
Sept – Laboratory NATA registered. Haberfields laboratory results now recognised worldwide for exported products..
Jan – Incorporation of Swissfields Cheeses Pty Ltd – Joint Venture between Haberfields Milk Pty. Ltd. and Swiss Cheese Promotion Group from Switzerland.

Swissfield board with Stan Jackling and George Krain
Jan – Andreas Eberle – Swiss Cheese maker arrives in Albury to Make Swiss style cheeses – start of Swissfields production – Tilsit & Raclette. 2 year contract
Haberfields Victorian Suppliers admitted to Vic Market Milk Pool.
Whey to Albury City Council Sewerage Treatment Works
Sept – test manufacture of Gruyer & Emmental cheese at Swissfields
Death of Anne Haberfield 20th January, 1989. born 21st June 1911
Feb – Vic. Dairy Authority licence for Wodonga factory as “Dairy and Processor”
Staff car parking Hovell street next to Ron’s house. Land was previously the horse paddock.
New company logo – 2 cows
Haberfields/Swissfields Cheeses on the Australian Dairy Corporation stand at Anuga, Germany